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We bought too many of these and need them gone!!!! LifeStyle, now Rhythm Healthcare, has this Euro-style rollator that goes for $394 on Amazon. Their version of the upright walker has a bar on top that keeps this rollator sturdier than your typical upright walker. With the 10 inch front caster and 8 inch rear wheel, getting over threshholds or other-than-perfect terrain is a breeze.


  • Adjustable platform attachments improve walking posture
  • Sleek euro style design
  • Lightweight aluminum
  • Convenient storage bag
  • Cane holder
  • 10" front wheels for indoor and outdoor use

Product Weight: 20 lbs 
Handle Height: 53.5" - 48.5" 
Armrest Height: 42" - 47" 
Seat to Floor Height: 21.5” 
Seat Dimensions: 18.75” W x 10.5” D 
Weight Capacity: 300 lbs

OVERSTOCKED-Venture XP Euro-style rollator


    2542 Somerset Center Drive. Winston Salem, NC. 27103


    (Behind the Sheetz off of Stratford Road).

    Tel: 336.918.4545

    Fax: 336.579.3995

    Monday through Friday 9:30-5:30
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